Resources for learning Swift

One of the challenges someone wanting to learn Swift faces right out of the gate is knowing where to start in terms of learning resources. Because Swift is still a young, new, and evolving language it has not yet built up the knowledge base you would find with other languages and because it continues to evolve it is key that the information you are getting is up to date as well!

This is the launch page for the collection of Swift learning resources I have put together. It will not remain static. New resources will be added as they are released, and ones that are no longer relevant will be removed. I am not listing every resource I have ever come across either. The only things I am listing are material that I have used, or taken a really good look at, and found to be genuinely helpful. If you have something that you think is worth adding to any of the lists then let me know. You can leave a comment below or send me a message on Twitter @ManitobaNinja or @Third_beach

TheĀ First Steps to Getting Started

There are a few things you should read and do before starting to dive into learning Swift and iOS development. This has a few must read resources to start with and a few other suggestions to get yourself situated!

Video Courses … and WWDC

For someone just starting to learn Swift this is probably going to be a good place to start. Since many are free this is a good place to start and even if it ultimately doesn’t suit your learning style it will give you a good overview of the language and what you will need to learn to build up basic knowledge and proficiency.


Whether in digital or paper form the number of books on Swift, from beginner to advanced topics is growing rapidly and not a moment to soon! For the greatest amount of detail this is still your best resource. As a bonus many come packaged with the code that is discussed in the book, so you can examine and build it yourself, and sometimes online lessons, templates or other resources.


These are often quick little lessons that demonstrate how to build a simple app or implement a certain framework, by getting you follow along and build the app/code yourself. Whether you do it to learn something specific, or to just get more practice coding and working in Xcode they can be very helpful. Though you are not likely to be able to put all the concepts of programming together just by doing tutorials.

Reference Resources

Once you start coding your own apps you will find yourself looking for much more specific help as you try to build your program. There are a lot of very technical detailed resources that you should keep bookmarked so they are ready when you need them (and you will need them often)!


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