Swift books for your reading enjoyment

Despite all the great videos and tutorials you have easy access too thanks to the magic of the internet,  books are still hard to beat when it comes to learning. In the early days Swift books were tough to find, mostly because it took time for people to learn the language well enough too then write a book on it! Now this is changing quickly and each week it seems like there is a new book, be it beginner or advanced, being released on Swift.

The ones I have picked below are either based on my experience using them, overwhelming regard for it by the Swift community, the authors reputation and previous experience, or a combination of all three. So without further ado here they are.

Swift Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Matthew Mathias and John Gallagher

Big Nerd Ranch is a bit of a juggernaut when it comes to books on helping you learn iOS, Swift, Cocoa for OSX and probably much more that I haven’t even seen yet. While I did not read this book, it consistently gets great reviews and feedback from those who have, and is a constant top recommendation by people of all experience levels. So if you liked any other Big Nerd Ranch books, or just want to pick something that is a safe bet and a good price then you probably won’t go wrong with this book. Read More

Resources for learning Swift

One of the challenges someone wanting to learn Swift faces right out of the gate is knowing where to start in terms of learning resources. Because Swift is still a young, new, and evolving language it has not yet built up the knowledge base you would find with other languages and because it continues to evolve it is key that the information you are getting is up to date as well!

This is the launch page for the collection of Swift learning resources I have put together. It will not remain static. New resources will be added as they are released, and ones that are no longer relevant will be removed. I am not listing every resource I have ever come across either. The only things I am listing are material that I have used, or taken a really good look at, and found to be genuinely helpful. If you have something that you think is worth adding to any of the lists then let me know. You can leave a comment below or send me a message on Twitter @ManitobaNinja or @Third_beach Read More

A collection of Swift tutorials.

With Swift into it’s second year of life in the public there are more and more tutorials appearing on the internet everyday which is a boon to new and experienced programmers alike. Of course there is a lot of rubbish out there to sort through. many just rip off other peoples work, some don’t get into enough detail to be helpful, and others are just not well written. I have compiled a list of what I think are some of the best tutorials currently out there on the interwebs.

A couple things to note. I did not include anything that was behind a pay wall, I just wanted to focus on what was free in this instance. This is also not an overly long list because I wanted to focus on collections and resources that are really worth while. And if anyone has any they think should be on the list then let me know and I will definitely take a look! So without further ado let’s get started.

Hacking with Swift

Though most of this list is not in any particular order this site really should be at the top. There are currently 37 individual tutorials online! And there is a full range of topics covered so you can pick and choose the ones that are most interesting and most relevant to you. They are structured in a logical, easy to follow way with good explanations on what is being done and why. The tutorials are free but if you find that you’ve really gained a lot from them you can donate as a way of saying thank you (and I would encourage it to help make sure this resource keeps going and continues to be updated with each update to Swift as well). Read More