
Well if you clicked into this part of the site your clearly hoping to find out something interesting. You might well be disappointed but lets give it a go anyways.

This site was created as a side project to the iOS development that I am doing over at Third Beach Technology. Because I myself only started computer programming in the summer of Swift I found myself wanting to write about my own experiences learning from the ground up and helping others who are taking the plunge. My approach is very DIY. I am not doing any formal training to learn Swift and app design. Instead I have scoured the internet for the best possible learning resources and cobbled together my own learning strategies, in large part through trial and error and many many hours of frustration. You can take a large part, or some, or none of what I say and apply it to yourself…whatever works for you.

And to give a bit more insight into myself I may or may not be a ninja (a ninja never reveals that fact). And I do currently live in the Arctic Tundra that is Winnipeg, Manitoba. If I am looking for musical inspiration I would pick Fugazi and DJ Shadow, and then a bunch of other stuff after that. I prefer vinyl over anything else but I’d give up my turntable before I have up my iPod Nano. I love food. Food and hunger rage are two of my main driving forces. If you like Formula 1 then I also like you. Lets not forget about travelling…there is much that I could say about that. Toss in a passion for maps and coding as well.

There you have it. If you want to know more you can follow me on Twitter @third_beach. You can also click here and send me an email as well.

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