A patronage and crowd funding hybrid revenue model for indie developers.

One of the biggest challenges indie developers face is how to break away from the race to the bottom when its comes to the pricing of apps. Free and freemium apps seem to have won out and changed consumers expectations of what they should or should not have to pay for. And when new alternatives are suggested, or attempted, I am always fascinated to see what they might offer to developers. Two of these in particular, patronage, and crowd funding seemed like they could have offered some help. But both seem to have offered little to indie mobile developer, and have several key flaws holding them back.

By examining and understanding the flaws of these two models it then becomes possible to see how a hybrid between the two could potentially create a new revenue model for app developers. It is this hybrid model that I want to lay out and send into the ether of the internet. Hopefully it will further discussions already under way and spark some peoples imaginations on what new, alternative, revenue models may exist for indie developers. Read More

The curious case of Podcasting: Why it hasn’t ever taken off, and why there is nothing wrong with that.

I love podcasts. If you combine movies, television shows, and podcasts into one group then podcasts account for at least 75% of my total media viewing/listening time, and when Formula 1 is on winter break it is even higher. For myself it is the expressive nature of the medium that really attracts me to it. The long form format gives a chance for conversations to happen naturally between hosts and guests. For shows, such as Spontaneanation and Pistol Shrimps Radio, two that I cannot recommend enough, the relatively low cost of simply recording audio and hosting a podcast means that gonzo improv can have a place to live (and hopefully thrive). Read More