Changes coming to Manitoba Ninja

Even though I started this blog just 7 months ago it feels like I have been doing it for far longer than that as it has grown into something I am deeply passionate about. In that short time it has progressed from my original idea as a tutorial blog into one that has focused on curating the best Swift and iOS development resources on the internet, book reviews, API/SDK reviews, and other miscellaneous posts related to development and digital media as a whole.

And as part of the blogs continued evolution I will be moving it off of WordPress, making this the last post I do on the current iteration of the site.
In addition there are changes coming to Third Beach Technology, a site for the development work I’ve done, that existed separate to this one….until now. In the past few months two things became apparent. The first was that having Manitoba Ninja and Third Beach as two separate entities did not make sense and as such the two will now be merged into one. The second is that the name Manitoba Ninja was by far the best of the two options. With that Manitoba Ninja will be relaunched in the coming weeks as both a site for the blog and for my own development work!
While will now include my own apps, the Ninja AR SDK project, and general consulting information, the blog will still remain a key focus and be an integral part of the site. And with the site changing to a different host the blog will have a great new look and be easier to read on all types of devices. Some posts, such as the book reviews, have been moved onto the new site. The posts related to Swift and iOS reources for newcomers to development is also being moved off the blog and into its own section on the site which will make it far more accessible and easier to navigate. Any other old posts will still remain at the location.
And last but not least, Manitoba Ninja will be launching a logo along side the new site!
All these changes have been a lot of work but the end result will be worth it. If you want to be in the loop on updates you can follow myself on Twitter @third_beach or follow @manitobaninja for updates specific to the site.

It’s the value proposition of WWDC that has changed, not the cost

In the past few days I have followed what people have been posting online, and on Twitter, about the now announced 2016 edition of WWDC with great interest. Of course there are lots of people that are excited and super jazzed about the chance of getting to go to dub dub. But there also seems to be a bit of backlash against the cost of hotels in San Francisco during the event, and people questioning if going is the right choice for them. While the cost is an issue, its not a new barrier for many people. And the question of what value WWDC offers in todays changing app ecosystem, and the changing market indie developers are playing in, is what I think is really at the heart of many peoples move away from dub dub. Read More

Save now, pay later. The potential pitfalls of 3rd party APIs and dependencies.

Using 3rd party APIs, SDKs, dependencies (what a program like CocoaPods lets you manage), or Backend Services (BaaS), is something every developer does. It may be something as simple and common place as a Facebook API, a dependency to help you parse JSON, or something more specialized like a BaaS that manages a cloud database, or a mapping SDK that allows you to track movements in real-time. In some cases their use is necessary, but it can also be very easy to fall into the trap of using and relying on them too much since they can cut down the initial amount of development time significantly.

The following is my experience with a 3rd party SDK, how I got burned and found myself with an additional month of development time, and what you can learn from this experience when it comes to deciding if using a 3rd party API or dependency is the right choice.

Read More

Ramping up for Spring madness

It has been a little quiet on my site recently but this is due to a great deal going on elsewhere. There has been the continued work on Serendipity Way which, as I will cover in a post tomorrow, has encountered an issue that has meant doubling down on work to make sure it still meets an April release date.

There is also the upcoming NSNorth conference and getting ready for my talk there! I have a number of articles that are just about ready to be posted once I get the time to do a final proof read and edit on them. And there are a number of proposals I am putting together for the summer and fall conference season.

All to say that the posts will be a little slow over the next few weeks but I am looking forward to publishing on a regular basis again in May, and looking forward to spring weather finally arriving!

Designing for the Apple Watch: What 11 months of daily use has taught me

I was one of the people who jumped on the Apple Watch bandwagon early, even staying up late to pre-order it the minute it went on sale (something I had never done up to that point, and have not since). It was a product that was full of promise and wonder and one that sparked my own imagination.

But as many Apple Watch users know the experience from 3rd party apps has been poor. Almost none are compelling and most have failed to translate their product from a phone to watch experience in any kind of meaningful way. This is understandable as the watch is a new platform, with a new way of interacting, and it is going to take time to fully understand it.

And finally, after 11 months of daily use and really thinking deeply about how I use and interact with the watch I can now say that I understand it. The watch is a push device, where the most important bits of data and information simply appear, rather one that requires heavy interaction and the constant pulling of information that users do on their phones or computers. The rest of this post will cover how I came to that conclusion by covering my own experience with the watch, and how that informed the overall design an Apple Watch app should take to be a great experience. Read More

Serendipity Way gets a new logo as its launch approaches


Note: Since this post went up Serendipity way has had to have a full rewrite due to a long list of issues of one of the APIs, a key API, being used. I have left this post up here regardless but in the next few days (June 3rd to be exact) I will post an all new update on the logo and launch of Serendipity Way.

Serendipity Way is now less then a month from launching and in preparation for the launch a new logo is being released for it! The final design will likely change slightly as it evolves to just the right size and proportions for iOS devices but the style and general design aesthetic are now in place.

The logo is meant to reflect an element of the UI that will become very familiar to users. And the colours have been chosen as a throw back to the spirit and design aesthetic of the early 70’s, and to be instantly recognizable on the users home screen. In fact many Canadians might be able to guess where the inspiration for this design came from.

There will be more to come in the next few weeks, including details on how way-finding and navigation will work in Serendipity Way, as well as an exact launch date, so stay tuned to this page to find out more!

Playgrounds…they aren’t just for kids

When Apple announced Swift back in the summer of ’14 they also made quite the fuss about Xcode’s new playground feature. This was going to be a live coding environment where you could work through simple expressions and functions and see the results in real-time. It was charming, and you could see this being a great tool for beginners, but I had a hard time seeing how a developer working on a project would gain much value from it.

Fast forward a year and a half later and now I get it. Today I find myself using playgrounds in my projects, not just for testing out quick little code blocks, but for organizing and keeping a detailed reference of code and other assets relevant to the project. It can actually be a valuable tool for managing your work and being more efficient!

Because playgrounds don’t get much attention I wanted to put together a quick post that highlighted as many of the best resources that I could find to help beginners, and people of all levels for that matter, get an idea of what playgrounds can do. I end the article with some examples of how I have starting using playgrounds in my own workflow, hopefully sparking some people to think about how playgrounds could work for them. It is not a big time investment so this is an ideal subject for a quiet weekend, or over the course of a few evenings. Read More

This will be my shortest post to date

Today I am finally getting back to feeling like myself. I have been sick for a week and most of those days I spent in utter misery as every form of hurt made its way through my body. But this morning I managed to wake up early, drenched in sweat mind you, but still well rested, and once I am done having a relaxing cup of coffee it will finally be back to work for me.

The next month is going to be incredibly busy. I have a deadline to meet so that my newest app, Serendipity Way, can be released by the middle of April and being sick has cost me some valuable time on that. I will be heading to NSNorth at the end of April as well and have a talk to refine and practice. And there will be lots of promotion for Serendipity Way and the start of another new app once April has come to a close.

So it may be several weeks before another post goes up. But there is a lot of interesting things to come in the next couple of months so don’t stray too far.


Why todays Apple Event was not about products, and no “journalists” seem to be catching this

Today, 21 March 2016, Apple had a relatively quick 1 hour town hall event. It was notable for two reasons. The first being that it was clearly not about the products, and second, the products will get way more attention in the media then they should.

Apple kicked off the Event with Tim Cook giving the US government another high holy fuck you in their [then] case against Apple. Then Apple showed us solar powered Yaks, robots that get a little rough and freaky with the iPhones, and showed off Health tools to cure every disease everywhere. These are all admirable things, but logging nearly half the running time gives me little doubt that Apple’s prime objective was about ramping up its PR effort to even greater heights. And fair enough, they can do whatever they want and from their perspective it all makes sense.

And then Apple talked about 3 products. Some watch bands, a new 4 inch iPhone and a new 9.7 inch iPad Pro. They look nifty and gee whiz neato, but are they worthy of a keynote event? No, not at all. These are essentially quiet release items and their unimportance really underscores that the second half hour was just filler to get the first half hour of PR out into the media.

[Of course this is now all irrelevant as late this afternoon the FBI dropped their case, so Apple’s done alright today.]

Now at the end of the day I don’t really care that this was a boring event. Apple doesn’t have to make every keynote a blockbuster and that I yawned a few times during it only affects me in the end.

But something else did bother me, and though its a bit of a deviation, and maybe it is just a result of being sick and my brain is filtering bullshit much different then usual, but the the reaction by Tech/Apple “journalists” really made me see that most should not be called journalists. They are advertisers, writing free marketing for Apple in the hope they create juicy link bate to their site, and in the worst cases just fan boys and fan girls pretending to be journalists.

Now, maybe it has always been this way and I have just never noticed. Its probably this way for most Tech companies. More then likely that is probably the case. But watching peoples use of exclamation points, throwing out the words game changer and breakthrough, the stories about cute robots, tiny phones, and neon watch bands. It was the most blatant and misplaced cheerleading I’ve seen (with the possible exception of the FBI case which is entirely different in many ways and a totally separate topic) . Sometimes Apple comes out with something really special that pushes the limits, like iPod or even the iPhone 4, which was a remarkable, evolutionary device, to name some examples that come to my mind. But todays items were the least special products I can remember in quite some time.

I am not annoyed by it. I won’t lose any sleep over it. But it does give me pause and will definitely have me rethinking how much weight and credit I give to many of these people and publications “reporting” from Cupertino today, and where I draw some of my inspiration from.

The App Store has always been pop-ified, and why that is nothing to fear

Last Friday, March 11, 2016 to be exact for those that might read this a few weeks or months out, Rene Ritchie posted an article on iMore titled “What no indie developer wants to hear about the app store”. I suspect most anyone who is an iOS or OSX developer, or even just an Apple enthusiast, probably saw their Twitter feed go bananas for a few hours after the story hit the site.

If you haven’t read it, and you should (it is not a long read), the short version is that the App Store is in danger of succumbing to “pop-ification”, a state of affairs where pop apps have won the day. As a result of this change indie developers are finding themselves struggling to compete with the mega-studios putting out free or freemium content, the opportunities for them to make a living are dwindling by the day. The market is moving away from  “wooden toys in the age of plastic”, as Rene says rather poetically in his article, and that spells big trouble for the smaller design houses.

The contention I have isn’t about the notion of people preferring plastic toys over wooden ones (or Amazon over a local, independently owned store, or Tim Hortons over the small shop down the street brewing coffee one cup at a time in their Chemex). This is absolutely true. What I disagree with is that this is somehow a new state of affairs in the world of the App Store. That there was ever a golden age of indie, a time when pop apps where at the margins, and the one or two person studios lead the charge, is not really true. And that looking back with a sense of nostalgia hinders, not helps, current or potential developers from developing strategies to succeed in 2016. Read More