Changes coming to Manitoba Ninja

Even though I started this blog just 7 months ago it feels like I have been doing it for far longer than that as it has grown into something I am deeply passionate about. In that short time it has progressed from my original idea as a tutorial blog into one that has focused on curating the best Swift and iOS development resources on the internet, book reviews, API/SDK reviews, and other miscellaneous posts related to development and digital media as a whole.

And as part of the blogs continued evolution I will be moving it off of WordPress, making this the last post I do on the current iteration of the site.
In addition there are changes coming to Third Beach Technology, a site for the development work I’ve done, that existed separate to this one….until now. In the past few months two things became apparent. The first was that having Manitoba Ninja and Third Beach as two separate entities did not make sense and as such the two will now be merged into one. The second is that the name Manitoba Ninja was by far the best of the two options. With that Manitoba Ninja will be relaunched in the coming weeks as both a site for the blog and for my own development work!
While will now include my own apps, the Ninja AR SDK project, and general consulting information, the blog will still remain a key focus and be an integral part of the site. And with the site changing to a different host the blog will have a great new look and be easier to read on all types of devices. Some posts, such as the book reviews, have been moved onto the new site. The posts related to Swift and iOS reources for newcomers to development is also being moved off the blog and into its own section on the site which will make it far more accessible and easier to navigate. Any other old posts will still remain at the location.
And last but not least, Manitoba Ninja will be launching a logo along side the new site!
All these changes have been a lot of work but the end result will be worth it. If you want to be in the loop on updates you can follow myself on Twitter @third_beach or follow @manitobaninja for updates specific to the site.