Book review: Objective-C for Swift Developers by Paul Hudson

A few months ago I was on Twitter talking about the frustrations I was having with trying to get an Objective-C based API, that had no Swift documentation or source code examples, to work properly in my all Swift project. Having only learned Swift trying to figure out Objective-C and all it’s quirks was proving to be a long, tedious exercise. During the chat that ensued I made a comment to the author of Objective-C for Swift Developers, Paul Hudson, that he should write a book that would help those people who only knew Swift and wanted a guide on how to work with Objective-C at a basic level. I also requested that if he could find a way to make Objective-C simply disappear altogether that would be even better.

Fast forward to the present. Objective-C still lives on, but Paul did write Objective-C for Swift Developers, available in digital form for US$20, which has just been released into the wild a few days ago (as of May 13 to be exact). While I have no immediate need for the book I picked it up straight away because I still want to know some of the fundamentals of Objective-C and I was really curious to see if this would serve as a the crash course book I wanted a few months ago. Read More