iOS Developer conference video resources

Conferences are a big part of many indie iOS developers career track. Aside from the standard networking that takes place at these events, it can be an opportunity to further your education in coding, design or marketing, do some self promotion, and perhaps even give a talk of your own one day (just as I get to do for the first time at NSNorth this year!)

Of course everyone knows about WWDC, the developer conference that Apple holds every year in June, but there are quite a few independent conferences all across the world. The range of topics between the different conferences is wide so how much is relevant at any particular event will depend on the person. Though the original purpose of this post was solely to put together a collection of links to the videos that have been put up for the talks presented, there is an added side benefit. If you are thinking of attending a conference then watching some of the videos can give you a better idea of which ones might be the right fit for you and help make sure you are using your time and money efficiently!

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So how much do indie developers make?

Whether you are starting out, or have been an indie developer for a while, you are probably curious as to how well indie developers are doing in terms of revenue and sales. You may also have noticed that there are not too many indie developers that talk about it either. Finding data is really tough and usually when there are discussions about App Store economics it focuses on the bigger picture, or on the ultra-success stories, like Flappy Bird or Crossy Road or other mega hits.

But knowing how other indie developers are doing is critical to really understanding the business of developing apps. There is a lot that can be learned from their successes and failures. Understanding the famous “hockey stick” curve you will see in most of the posts below is fundamental in understanding the life cycle of app sales.

I have collected posts from the past few years, that indie developers have put on their blog, personal website, or company website, each with varying levels of detail and analysis. These are the best ones I have found, but if you have others then by all means message me on Twitter @manitobaninja or @third_beach and let me know. I would love to build as comprehensive a list as possible because I believe that the insight these posts provide is incredibly valuable to anyone who is just starting out, or looking to better focus their own existing business.

My 2nd Year in the App Store

21 January 2016 – This is from indie developer Trevor McKendrick. It breaks down how he did in 2015 with his Spanish Bible app (there is also a link to a post he did in the previous year with his 2014 figures). He goes into good details with his numbers and does a bit of analysis too. Short but to the point.


Life and Death in the App Store

2 March 2016 – This is a very detailed, long form article, written by Casey Newton for The Verge about Pixite, a company who has released many apps into the App Store. This gives numbers and a lot of details about their story, and their successes and failures. A really great read.

Blog post by Dan Counsell

7 May 2015: An article by Dan Counsell, Product Designer and Founder of Realmac Software that shows a snapshot of one day of sales of the companies products, the most popular of which is the Clear to-do app. No real analysis, just an interesting peak at what kind of numbers one of the more successful companies out there gets.

4 Years of Success and Failure on the App Store

7 May 2015 – Derek Clark is an indie developer who wrote a Medium post that details how he has done over a 4 year period in the App Store. This is not heavy in numbers, but he does provide enough for it to be helpful, along with some graphs that show long term ups and downs, and some discussion of his successes and failures along the way and what he attributes to them.

Redacted for Mac launch

5 May 2015 – An infamous blog post by Sam Soffes on his top ranked Mac app, Redacted. It is a short article but provides a pretty interesting, if not bleak, glimpse into the Mac App Store.






Desk App’s 2014 Year in Review

26 January 2015 – A post by John Saddington on his personal blog which discusses the release of a side project he did. Despite this just being a side project he clearly spent a lot of time working out a marketing strategy and goes into a good amount of detail in his post.

The Shape of the App Store

19 January 2015 – Charles Perry, founder of Metakite software, published this post on the distribution of Revenue versus US Top Grossing Rank for apps on the App Store. It is imperfect data, which he acknowledges, and there is a follow up piece that addresses a number of criticisms. Still, it does provide some pretty interesting insight on where you need to be relative to this graph and app store ranking in order to earn a living solely from the app store.

Monument Valley in Numbers

15 January 2015 – This is a collection of infographics showing how much Monument Valley had made up to that point, as well as other stats such as what percentage of users came from which country and in game usage of the camera. Monument Valley is a big game, and not representative of the typical indie developer experience, but its still interesting nonetheless.

Overcast’s 2014 sales numbers

15 January 2015 – This a post by Marco Armendt which reveals his sales and revenue for 2014 for his popular podcast app, Overcast. This is before it went to a patronage model so it will be interesting to see if he releases those numbers one day. Nothing wildly detailed but he does give out the stats people are most interested in and gives some context and analysis for them.

How HoursTracker earns five figures a month on the App Store

7 January 2015 – A Medium post by Carlos Ribas discussing how his HoursTracker came to be, how much it earns, and his thinking behind its continued development. It does not go into numbers in the same level of detail as other posts, but still an insightful read.

Manual’s 2014 Sales Numbers

January 2015 – A post by indie developer William Wilkinson on how his app, Manual, did in its first 100 days. Colourful writing and some useful graphs as well. (As an aside his homepage has some really great photography that is well worth checking out!)



Another non-indie developer App Store story

30 July 2014 – This is a post from a hobbyist developer, Mohammad Azam,  who talks about his experiences and earnings from a number of apps he did as side projects in his spare time. There are no ground breaking revelations, but it is one more perspective to add to the list.

A Candid Look at Unread’s First Year

28 July 2014 – A post by Jared Sinclair about his Unread app. This goes into a lot more detail then most other posts do in terms of his numbers and the various marketing strategies he employed. He does a good job giving a context for his target audience and the apps performance.

A Candid Look at the Financial Side of Building Mac Apps on Your Own

28 July 2014 – A post by Tyler Hall which looks at how his company, a side venture called Click on Tyler, has done since it started releasing apps in 2007. He focuses on a few, higher priced apps, and has a different market than most indie developers. Not heavy on the numbers, but interesting to see how someone who has played the long game has done.

A Dark Room for iOS

29 Jan 2013 to 7 Dec 2014 – This is not like the other articles I am posting. One, it isn’t an article, rather it is a collection of blog posts from developer Amir Rajan about his app Dark Room. And two, the posts are written as it happens creating a journal of his experience launching and then promoting the app. You get numbers. You get frustration and emotion. You really see the process and follow the timeline of his apps performance in real time. Though it isn’t polished it is quite interesting to read and to see how it all unfolds.

A patronage and crowd funding hybrid revenue model for indie developers.

One of the biggest challenges indie developers face is how to break away from the race to the bottom when its comes to the pricing of apps. Free and freemium apps seem to have won out and changed consumers expectations of what they should or should not have to pay for. And when new alternatives are suggested, or attempted, I am always fascinated to see what they might offer to developers. Two of these in particular, patronage, and crowd funding seemed like they could have offered some help. But both seem to have offered little to indie mobile developer, and have several key flaws holding them back.

By examining and understanding the flaws of these two models it then becomes possible to see how a hybrid between the two could potentially create a new revenue model for app developers. It is this hybrid model that I want to lay out and send into the ether of the internet. Hopefully it will further discussions already under way and spark some peoples imaginations on what new, alternative, revenue models may exist for indie developers. Read More

The curious case of Podcasting: Why it hasn’t ever taken off, and why there is nothing wrong with that.

I love podcasts. If you combine movies, television shows, and podcasts into one group then podcasts account for at least 75% of my total media viewing/listening time, and when Formula 1 is on winter break it is even higher. For myself it is the expressive nature of the medium that really attracts me to it. The long form format gives a chance for conversations to happen naturally between hosts and guests. For shows, such as Spontaneanation and Pistol Shrimps Radio, two that I cannot recommend enough, the relatively low cost of simply recording audio and hosting a podcast means that gonzo improv can have a place to live (and hopefully thrive). Read More

Follow up on “So your app has bombed”

About a week ago I had put up a post called “So your app has bombed“. I won’t rehash the details so if you want to read, or reread, what it was about, you can click here to do so. The short version is that after launching my first app, Are You Faster Than, it did poorly in terms of downloads so I had gone back and reflected on why that was and what lessons I had learned from it.

After I initially wrote the post I figured that was going to be the end of that app and that I would move onto other things. But a couple of interesting things happened. Read More

So your app has bombed …

The scenario that doesn’t get discussed too often on developer websites and forums is what exactly happens when you create an app that no one cares about? Despite all the time, and effort, and thought you put into it, or whatever promotion you may have done, or how great it seemed in your head, no one wants to download it. For someone who is new to development this can be a crushing blow to your ego and motivation. But it is almost certainly going to happen to you at some point, maybe even multiple times, and there are some valuable lessons to be learned from it.

As you might guess I wouldn’t be writing this article if this wasn’t something I had experienced myself. So I will start with a very quick summary of how I got to my own day of reckoning. About a year and a half ago I had decided that taking up iOS development was something that I really wanted to do. It was sparked by a number of ideas that I’d come up with that I wanted to put out into the world, and the release of Swift, which for someone with no programming experience, seemed like the ideal language for me.

As I began reading, watching videos, and starting to code, I realized that a lot of the ideas I had were either not quite possible, or well beyond what a beginner could do. I didn’t let this get to me though. Instead I decided to create an app that was more within my reach and would give me much needed practice writing in Swift, and using Xcode. The idea was simple, an app that let you know if you were going slower or faster then a selected animal, appropriately called Are You Faster Than A … ? I’ve added a screenshot below to give a general idea as to what it looks like


So over the course of a few months I put it all together. Finally I was happy with how it looked, and how it felt, so I went through the process of getting it submitted to the app store and after a few weeks and a few failed attempts it was finally up!

And no one really downloaded it. In the course of a few weeks there were about 15 downloads. This was a bit discouraging. So I went back. I added more animals to select from, and I changed my in-app purchase model so that all but a few of the animals were unlocked and for those looking to donate, if they liked the app, they would receive a super rad Shiba Inu as a thank you.

Once again I did my submission, watched it get released into the wild, and nothing. Just over a dozen downloads took place in the first week and then it fizzled back to a steady stream of zero. At this point it was officially a bomb.

Before I go any further I want to make a brief side note. When I originally put up this post I did so rather quickly and put down a number of thoughts about the experience that I was having at that moment in time. After it went live, and after a few comments I realized that I could have done a much better job going over why the app was not successful, in addition to talking about what I had learned from the experience. So everything from this paragraph on has been rewritten so that it more closely reflects what I wanted to discuss and get across to readers. So let’s start with the most important part of this experience…

…why did the app bomb?

There are a number of reasons why it bombed. The first is that no one knew about it. A really successful app will at some point take on a life of its own and through word of mouth or via social media and websites it becomes self promoting. It generates buzz. It takes on a life of it’s own. However you want to describe it.

But, before it gets to that point it has to be marketed, promoted and people need to be directed towards it, and persuaded by something more than just “everyone is downloading it” to give it a try. It could be sending out emails to websites and blogs telling them why they should review and talk about it. Perhaps you buy advertising on a digital advertising network or a podcast. Telling everyone you know to download it, and try it, and talk about it. Whatever it is that you decide you need to do to promote and market your app doesn’t matter as much as simply doing something.

And that was my first mistake. I sent out some tweets, and even had a small recommendation from a site, but I never pushed and pursued it in any kind of meaningful way. No one really knew it existed, and I wasn’t trying to change that. Even though it is the coding and design work and creation of a product that lead me to do this, if I want to make a real go at it, then I had to accept that self promotion is also a key element that cannot be ignored.

The second reason has to do with the app itself. Ultimately it was a fun idea, but beyond an initial test run of the app, what would keep the user engaged and make them want to use it again? The answer was not much. Starting off simple was a conscious choice to not overly complicate things, and make it more likely that I would complete the project in its initial form. And that was still the smart approach. But there are other features that would make it far more interesting and engaging. One that I have implemented, and will be in the next release, once the review process is done, is fact cards for each animal so that you can see some basic information about them. Other ideas that are in the back of my mind, and just require a bit more experience to implement, are social features, challenges, saving top speeds, quizzes, and further expanded fact cards. With these elements it will still be possible to keep the app simple but offer a lot more reason for the user to continue to use it!

Finally, it also bombed in part because having a hit app was never really the goal in this instance. I came up with the idea because I personally thought it would be fun, and it covered a lot of aspects of iOS development and Swift that I wanted to learn for other projects I had in mind. That I put it on the app store was a bit of an after thought when I started to see how it was turning out. And that is something that might seem small but is really important. If you are not passionate about your app, or even passionate about sharing it with as many people as you can, your not going to be motivated to promote and market it and do the coding and design to make it really fantastic experience! If you don’t care, no one else will, and it will almost certainly bomb. Beyond it failing…

…what else did I learn from this experience?

Going through this process was also instructive in a lot of other ways. I will jump right into what are the most important take away points for myself:

  • Being able to go back and see what a mess the underlying code was in the first version of my app was both frustrating and exciting. Trying to build on top of poorly laid out code caused many hours to be wasted as I refactored and restructured the program to be far more functional, readable, and more efficient. But it was super encouraging to be at a point where I could recognize my past mistakes, and fix them!
  • Doing as much pre-planning and storyboarding (the pen and paper kind) makes a huge difference in helping you organize how your program should look and be structured. When done right it can serve as a roadmap or checklist for what needs to be done next and makes your project both more efficient and less frustrating (at times).
  • There is no sense programming way beyond your skill level. I was able to complete the project because even though I still had to learn as I went, it was still somewhat within the scope of my understanding. The times when I had the most amount of trouble was when I tried to do something that was well beyond my capabilities. Pushing yourself is important, but to a point, and finding that balance is important if you want to keep learning but not put walls in front of yourself.
  • I was having fun doing it all! For all the challenges and long nights and moments where it didn’t seem like I was getting anywhere I was still really enjoying coding and designing and learning. And if your doing something your not enjoying, what’s the point?

So what next?

For the time being, this will likely just continue to be an app that I work on because I simply find it fun to do so. I like going back and seeing what I can refactor. I will probably keep adding new features as my knowledge of Swift and Xcode grows, and when I am able to do so with a decent amount of confidence. If that is all the app remains as then thats quite alright because building it was still a great learning experience! And if I do one day decide that it has gotten to a point where I think a lot of people would really enjoy it, well, now I also know that I will have to step into a different role and do the promotion and marketing that is required.


And when I have an app bomb in the future it will likely be related to a different set of reasons and circumstances but as long as I, and anyone who goes through it, can take a few lessons away from it you at least have a much better chance the next time out!